Notes on React Europe 2016
Jun 4, 2016 · 8-minute read
The second React Europe conference has just
finished and this is a jotting-down of some thoughts on the conference and my
favorite talks whilst the
Parisian red wine and almond croissants clear out of
my system.
The organizers are kindly putting up videos on YouTube as I write this.
The Conference
This was a two-day conference preceded by a hackathon kindly hosted by Mozilla
and a welcome event hosted by Red Badger.
It was well organized and ran
smoothly, the main part consisted purely of 30
minute talks with a few lightning-talk spots. There was plenty of time
in-between for discussions.
For the hackathon attendees made project suggestions on a wiki and the
organizers also set an optional challenge that involved working on specific
Native GitHub issues. For me the important part is not the specific
project being worked on but the chance to work alongside someone you haven’t met
and see how they think and use their tools. That’s something I tend to
miss out on working remotely.
The conference is of course about React and most of the talks are about React or
related parts of the ecosystem. What interests me most though is the
exploration around the benefits for users and developers of applying functional
programming ideas to the front-end.
I think it is because of the functional leaning that this conference and
Reactive 2015 last year attracted quite a number of
people who work with different
but like-minded technologies (eg. Rust, Clojure,
Elm). One fun hackathon output was
Talk Highlights
These are summaries of some of my favorite talks:
Dan Abramov - The Redux Journey
Dan gave a very good distillation of what made Redux as successful as it has
been in a very short space of time. The first thing he pointed out is that it
isn’t because of its feature set - the library is tiny and a basic version of
the code fits on a couple of slides. However the constraints that it imposes on
the application make it easier to reason about what is going on, makes debugging
and testing workflows easy and enables all kinds of interesting tooling
led to an ecosystem growing around it very quickly.
The part I found most interesting is that the design was ultimately a product of
two ‘stress tests’ that had to be satisfied - the ability to reload the
without losing state during development and the ability to do
time-travelling debugging. These two tests sound like cool albeit non-essential
features. It turns
out though that a design which meets these needs also makes a
lot of other features with user or developer-facing value easy: Undo/redo,
optimistic UI
updates, persisting and restoring app state and cross-device
Whilst this is all true, I think the success also owes much to more practical
things like very good documentation and the fact that there is enough
and guidance on what to do when the app goes beyond the TodoMVC
Oh, and there was a throwaway comment at the end that the “time travelling”
requirement came out of a change in the title of his talk last year at React
Europe just to make it sound more interesting 😀. Richard Branson
would approve.
Cheng Lou - The Spectrum of Abstraction
Cheng’s talk provided a useful way to evaluate technology choices in different
contexts by placing them on a spectrum of abstraction and understanding
trade-offs that come with choosing technologies at different points on that
spectrum. The “spectrum of abstraction” refers to the fact that some
technologies solve very specific problems (eg. The clock app on a phone) and
others are much more abstract but are useful for a broader class of uses
(eg. a
Promises library for JavaScript).
Cheng framed it as a kind of optimization problem to minimize the overall
cognitive costs of the codebase in order to satisfy an evolving set of use
On the one hand, choosing unnecessary abstractions imposes a cognitive
cost because of the gap between the abstraction and the problem being solved.
the other hand choosing too many problem-specific tools imposes other costs.
There was an interesting look at the trade-offs around the power that different
abstractions have. eg. Declarative systems for specifying things limit the
developer’s freedom but often enable useful tooling and optimizations because of
those constraints.
The talk then went on to discuss how to use this to deal with common choices
that front-end developers need to make. This included specific choices such as
imperative build systems (Gulp) vs declarative (Grunt) ones, templates vs.
functions for transforming models into views, mutable vs. immutable data
It also included broader questions of when to even use an
abstraction versus just copying, pasting and tweaking code.
I think having these kinds of frameworks for looking at problems is pretty
handy, especially if you can visualize them, because then you can see gaps
there might be solutions that have not been considered.
Jeff Morrison - A deep dive into Flow
This was a technical dive into how the Flow type checker for JavaScript works,
how its approach differs from the type checking phase of a traditional
and the possibilities that opens up for detecting classes of bug that a typical
compiler might not be able to. For example, detecting all the places
unsanitized user input might reach in a program via taint analysis.
Beforehand I’d talked to many people who had some interest in trying type
systems for JavaScript and wanted recommendations for one or the other. Frankly
I think both are good options that you can’t go wrong with, but before this talk
I only really understood the more practical surface-level issues (like platform
support) rather than the deeper ones that stem from the differing priorities of
the projects and the fundamentally different ways that the tools understand
A couple of times Jeff mentioned semantic differences between the type systems.
This presentation
from Oliver Zeigermann shows a couple of
examples (although note that the upcoming TypeScript 2.0 release does
have non-nullable types).
Christopher Chedeau - Being Successful at Open Source
The React community have produced several of the most successful projects on
GitHub, where “successful” in this context was taken to mean widely
adopted/having direct impact. This talk provided specific advice for project
maintainers on how to help their projects gain traction. Many of the points were
things that would be obvious to entrepreneurs behind new startups but are often
forgotten in open source:
Talk to your users. It doesn’t matter which channel you use but you need to be present on them and active. In the React project, different members
(and active contributors) tended to focus on specific channels (GitHub issues, StackOverflow). -
Ask as many of your users as you can two specific questions:
What did you struggle with? - Find out what they had problems with, aggregate the feedback and prioritize. The phrasing of this question is important
because you need to break the implicit social barrier that prevents users from criticising your work. -
What cool stuff are you building? - Show genuine interest in what your users are doing. Ask them to share what they have been up to (eg. by writing
blog posts) and then promote their work. -
Create the perception of a community. When evaluating a technology choice, the perceived level of community activity is often an important factor. In
the early days of a project, it helps to create this perception by asking users to blog about what they have been doing, writing community round-ups
etc. Over time, this perceception becomes its own reality.
Speaking of making users feel loved, the organizers produced personalized
T-shirts with GitHub handles for attendees who had made contributions to the
code or docs for various React-related projects. I thought that was a pretty
cool touch. Thank-you!
Also worth watching
Plus a couple of others from my notebook that I’d recommend seeing when they are up on YouTube:
Andrew Clark’s talk on recompose was a useful introduction to the concept of higher order components, what you can do with them, the performance
costs they can impose and how to mitigate these. -
Lin Clark’s talk was useful if you want to understand what actually happens when a component is “rendered” and why some of the performance tips
in the React documentation matter. Also it had cool cartoons.
The debate about basic app architecture from last year seems to have largely been resolved in a pretty short time in favor of the Redux/Elm model.
Lee Byron’s talk from RenderConf was cited a couple of times as a good overview of this architecture. The current exploration has moved on to building
all kinds of useful tooling that assumes this model of state management. -
The exploration of how best to manage effects nicely in Redux/Elm-like applications is ongoing and there isn’t a clear winner yet.
React Native has been around long enough now that people outside of Facebook have been able to build and ship reasonably sizable applications
with it and provide a decent appraisal of where it works well, where it still needs improvement and where it isn’t the right choice. Brent Vatne’s
talk about li’st is worth watching. -
One of the main React/React Native focus areas right now is performance especially for the common use case of apps that need to render large lists
of complex stuff whilst animating smoothly and responding instantly to user input.